Wind Instruments Course

Developing in the tense atmosphere of concerts.

Wind instrument courses pursue solo and orchestra performances for specialized musical instruments. Individuals charged with conducting are first class instructors, among whom are performers active around the world. Exposure to the sounds, expressions, concepts and human nature of first class musicians facilitates a search for the spirit of various musical scenes, as well as a pursuit for the essence of music.
The characteristics of the curriculum include lessons for concerts and ensembles, as well as ample opportunities to perform in concerts. The responsibilities and tense atmosphere when performing in front of an audience most effectively induces the development of an individual as a musician. In addition to the capabilities of a soloist, individuals acquire a flexible expressive ability by performing chamber music, as well as participating in an orchestra, playing wind instrument music and taking part in a variety of ensembles. Learning such a diverse range of applications heightens the capability of an individual as a professional musician, while also nurturing a “problem solving capacity”, which is a human capability essential for society in the future.

  • Acquiring expressive techniques through the learning of such performance styles as wind instrument music, chamber music, orchestras and the like.
  • Reliable techniques are secured through solo performances and orchestra participation, under the guidance of first class instructors.
  • Numerous orchestra performances are experienced at the concert hall located on campus, as emotional excitement is shared with the audiences.


Required Courses
Wind Instrument Rendition Research I to IV
Elective Courses for Specialization
  • Wind Instrument Music Research 1 to 4
  • Orchestra Research 1 & 2
  • Flute Orchestra 1 to 4
  • Saxophone Orchestra 1 to 4P
  • British Brass 1 to 4
  • Fanfare Orchestra 1 to 4
  • Chamber Music Research 1 to 4
  • Graduation Research
Elective Courses for Specialization & Liberal Arts Courses (common for all programs)
Access here for details.

Newly established: Master Class for Wind Instrument Music Instructors

“Really love music! Truly love wind instrument music!” If this description fits you, we invite you to pursue your career as a wind instrument music instructor. Senzoku Gakuen College of Music begins a curriculum for acquiring skills, essential to wind instrument instructors, in the academic year 2018, facilitating a learning that encompasses seated performances to marching performances entirely within four years. The skills and techniques required for directing will become a major advantage for individuals seeking to become directors. The most important aspect in pursuing this goal, however, is the “passion”, and a love of music. The “Master Class for Wind Instrument Music Instructors”, established through our desire to “nurture individuals to carry the future of the wind instrument music industry and educate Japan as it continues to evolve”, is about to start.